Can I provide my book value when depositing a share certificate? You can adjust the share certificate book value by filling out form 27740 and sending it to us by mail or email.
I am told that I have positive purchasing power, but negative cash in a registered account. What do I do? Learn how to manage registered accounts' purchasing power and cash. Pay for purchases in the correct currency on or before the settlement day.
I want to sell a security but I am being told that it is not held in the selected account. What do I do? You may not hold enough shares for the sale. Check your account or modify your order.
I want to sell securities, but I'm being told that I don't hold enough in my account to place the order. What do I do? If you're having issues selling a security, check your account, review your open orders, or modify or cancel your order.
The book value of my mutual fund is incorrect. Why? And what do I do? Learn what to do if you see an incorrect mutual fund value in your National Bank Direct Brokerage platform or direct brokerage app.