For a number of years, Canadian investment authorities and organizations have been working closely together to improve and standardize the information disclosed to clients.
This has led to the development of a set of new regulations called the Client Relationship Model, or CRM. These regulations were implemented in three phases.
Phase 1 (2014) – Transparency
Regulations introduced on July 15, 2014, require that certain information must be disclosed to clients, including benchmark information and fees, as well as annual returns and commissions for debt securities.
Phase 2 (2015) – Account Statements
Amendments to Phase 2 took effect in December 2015. Minor changes were made to the definition of book value in the Important Information section of your portfolio statement to comply with regulations.
Three footnotes (marked with an asterisk) may also appear in the Asset Details section with additional information on your securities.
Footnotes :
1. Price not available: This means that the price of a security was not available at the statement date. Once the market price becomes available, it will appear on the statement.
2. Redemption fees: This means that a security may be subject to back-end fees (e.g. investment fund with redemption fee). Depending on the length of time you hold the security, the issuer may charge you when you redeem it.
3. Book value based on market value: This means that the information we had on a security's book value was incomplete or unavailable, and so the market value was used to assess some or all of the book value, in compliance with regulations. This type of situation can occur in the event of a transfer.
You can adjust the book value of a security by completing form 27740. Do you have any questions? Check out
the Book value section of our FAQ.
Phase 3 (2016) – New Annual Reports
As of 2016, two new annual reports must be issued to clients. These reports are sent in December with the annual portfolio statement.
New reports:
1. Investment Performance Report: This report provides an investor's returns (in dollars and percentages) based on contributions, withdrawals and fluctuations in market value. It allows you to check whether you're on the right track with your investments goals.
2. Fees and Compensation Report: This report sets out the
amounts NBDB receives in a year from clients' direct brokerage
accounts. It is divided in two:
Amounts clients have paid to us directly
Amounts received through a third party
More information on MRCC 2
For further information on these regulations, please visit the CIRO and CSA websites.