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How do I transfer funds to National Bank Direct Brokerage?   

To execute a fund transfer to your National Bank Direct Brokerage account, view our "How to transfer funds" tutorial or follow the steps below. 

  1. Sign in 
  2. Click the Transfer icon at the top of the page.  
  3. Select the originating account from the drop-down menu. 
  4. Choose the destination account from the drop-down menu.  
  5. Enter the amount. 
  6. Be sure to select the correct currency, if applicable.  
  7. Select today or a specific date for the transfer. 
  8. Click  Transfer review to review the transaction.  

You can also view the status of your transfer under the Activities tab. 

You can also transfer funds using the direct brokerage app:   

  1. Connect to the direct brokerage app.  
  2. Click the blue arrows at the bottom of the screen, then click Transfer.  
  3. Choose the type of transfer you want to make.  
  4. You can request your transfer in table mode or in natural language mode, by choosing Assisted mode. This mode allows you to complete a sentence with your account and amounts, rather than filling in the form.  
  5. Choose the source and destination accounts.  
  6. Enter the amount, then click Continue.   
  7. Review the summary, then click Confirm.  

  Note that only accounts authorized for a particular type of transfer are visible.  

  If the amount available is not sufficient to complete the fund transfer, an error message will be displayed after submitting the transfer request. 

For RDSPs, contact our team at 1-800-363-3511.

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