How can I speed up the transfer of my account from another institution or broker to National Bank Direct Brokerage?
Some situations can cause delays or prevent the transfer from taking
place. Here are a few examples:
When sales are required to execute your transfer request.
Processing time and product settlement time may take up to 4
additional business days.
The name and Social Insurance Number (SIN) on the transferring
account must match the receiving account. For example: a
transfer from a joint account to a personal account will be refused.
Similarly, a corporate account cannot be transferred to a personal account.
Account in good standing. For example: an account with a
margin call may cause delays.
Accounts must be of the same nature. For example: a
non-registered account cannot be transferred to a TFSA.
Total transfer of a non-transferable product. In this case,
the transfer will be rejected and a second application will have to
be submitted.
Transfer from an RRIF. The transferring institution must
make the minimum payments before proceeding with the transfer.
Transfer from an LIF. You must have completed your payments
in excess of the minimum for the year with the transfer or prior to
the transfer, as we will not be able to authorize any new payments.
Locked-in plans. Before a transfer request is sent, the
account must be opened under the correct legislation.
Mutual funds held directly with the fund company, not with your
broker. It is important to sign a transfer form for each fund company.
Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GIC) transfers. Some
financial institutions require applications to be received two weeks
prior to maturity.